Do Cherry Red Shrimp Eat Fish Eggs?

Suppose you want to have Cherry Red shrimp in your tank but are unsure how they’ll behave. Note that these shrimp are amazing scavengers—they eat algae, fungus, and rotted plants, keeping the tank clean. But will Cherry Red shrimp eat fish eggs?

Cherry Red shrimp don’t eat fish eggs. They’ll eat the detritus and algae in the tank instead. Thanks to their peaceful nature and natural cleaning habits, Cherry Red shrimp will make excellent tank mates for your fish friends.

This article will explain the feeding habits of Cherry Red shrimp and their cohabitation with fish and fish eggs. Keep reading.

How Do Cherry Red Shrimp Benefit Your Fish Tank?

Cherry Red shrimp benefit your fish tank by keeping it clean. Since they scavenge food in the tank, your tank will always be spotlessly clean. Cherry Red shrimp also make your tank looks more attractive, thanks to their bright red color that makes them stand out. 

Since Cherry Red shrimp are low maintenance and typically eat leftovers, they’re generally easy to keep.

Cherry Red Shrimp Are Beneficial to Your Fish Tank

Most aquarists agree that adding Cherry Red shrimp to a fish tank brings many benefits. If you think of adding these shrimp to your tank, below are some things you should know about them:

  • Cherry Red can shrimp thrive in a big, active fish tank. Because they consume uneaten fish food, algae, and other debris, they’re generally self-sufficient. A large fish tank offers them unlimited food that the fish ignore, so they don’t need additional feeding. 
  • These shrimp are compatible with fish already in the tank. They won’t interact with the fish but will happily live alongside them. 
  • Cherry Red shrimp are natural cleaners. They’ll clean the tank of algae, even the type that forms on the glass. The Cherry Red shrimp will attach themselves to the glass and eat the algae there, too. 
  • These shrimp help maintain your fish tank’s water chemical balance. Because rotten food will ruin the pH of your fish tank, the Cherry Red shrimp dining on the remains will help your tank water stay in balance. 

Snails and Small Fish Can Live Happily With Cherry Red Shrimp

If you have an existing tank or are starting a new one, certain fish live well with the Cherry Red shrimp. You’ll have an exciting and busy tank when you add this shrimp to the fish tank. Here are some fish species that live peacefully with the Cherry Red shrimp:

  • Snails: Freshwater snails are another low-care tank mate for the Cherry Red shrimp as they’re also bottom feeders. You may want to consider snails like the Malaysian Trumpet, Ramshorn, and Mystery Snails. These slow-moving gastropods are peaceful bottom feeders, perfect for beginner aquarists who want a varied tank. 
  • Otocinclus catfish: These docile fish prefer to stick with their kind. So, they won’t interact with the Cherry Red shrimp. They, too, are algae eaters.
  • Small rasboras: The dwarf rasboras fish stays small and like hiding places at the bottom of the tank. They do most of their swimming in the middle of the tank. The small rasboras are schooling fish, meaning you need at least ten of them to the school to thrive. 
  • White mountain cloud fish: Another schooling fish, the cloud fish, stays at the top or middle of the tank. They’re active, small fish that prefer slightly cooler water. 
  • Dwarf Gourami: This popular fish is peaceful and easy to keep. The Dwarf Gourami are schooling fish and prefer to have other Gourami fish to swim near. Because they get their oxygen from the air, they usually stay near the top of the fish tank. 

This Youtube video explains the best fish to pair with Cherry Red shrimp:

What Do Cherry Red Shrimp Eat?

Cherry Red shrimp eat meat and plants. That’s because they’re omnivores. These shrimp are not picky eaters and will consume algae, fish flakes, and shrimp pellets. Since Cherry Red shrimp eat algae and other detritus from the tank bottom, you don’t want to overfeed them.

These shrimp love blanched zucchini and leafy vegetables. Too much food can lead to cloudy water, which isn’t suitable for fish or shrimp.


Cherry Red shrimp don’t eat fish eggs. They only eat the fungus and algae at the tank bottom. That said, you can safely keep these shrimp in your fish tank without worrying about them eating the fish eggs.

Make sure you keep Cherry Red shrimp with non-aggressive fish only. Cherry Red shrimp are also compatible with freshwater snails. 


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