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No shrimp breeder wants to see their shrimp die, especially after spending so much time, effort, and money to raise the shrimp. Crystal Red shrimp are one of those shrimp species you need to be...
Crystal red shrimp is one of the most popular exquisite shrimp species to keep in a home aquarium but are extremely difficult to breed. If you’re trying to breed them and the female has already...
Every aquatic organism has favorable water conditions and making all of these parameters match up when you put together a tank can be incredibly challenging. Whether your plants or other fish prefer...
Crystal red shrimp (CRS), also known as the red bee shrimp are a favorite among shrimp keepers for their beautiful bright red and white pigments. They also double up as the best choice for shrimp...
If this is your first time keeping crystal red shrimp, you probably have several questions. One of the most common questions tends to be about breeding cycles—after all, the last thing you want is...
Crystal Red shrimp are colorful invertebrates with sensitivity to poor water conditions. They're like this due to selective breeding and, therefore, need water with a low hardness to...